[mod 2002/07/23] NOTE: Plasticity yield criterion updated July 23, 2002 to include fluid pore pressure effects explicitly. Plastic yielding uses the Drucker-Prager criterion 1/2 (J ') = p(1-lambda) X sin(phi) + c 2 where J ' is the second invariant of the deviatoric stress 2 p is the pressure in the solid phi is the internal angle of friction c is the cohesion lambda is the pore pressure ratio (p / p ) fluid solid In subroutine viscosities1, this appears as splas = epressure*(1.0-lambda_pore_prs)*dsin(phi) + coh (Old version was splas=epressure*dsin(phi) + coh) phi, lambda_pore_prs, and coh are material properties specified in input for each material. phi, lambda_pore_prs and coh can be specified to vary with the second invariant of the deviatoric strain, here termed "strain".