read(1,*)show_eg,show_ec,show_ev,show_es,show_esr,show_et show_eg = timestep interval to plot Eulerian grid show_ec = timestep interval to plot Eulerian colours (materials) show_ev = timestep interval to plot Eulerian velocities show_es = timestep interval to plot Eulerian strain show_esr = timestep interval to plot Eulerian strain rate show_et = timestep interval to plot Eulerian temperature read(1,*)show_lg,show_lc,show_ls show_lg = ts interval for plotting Lagrangian grid show_lc = ts interval for plotting Lagrangian colours show_ls = ts interval for plotting Lagrangian strain read(1,*)vopt,vplot,tvplots vopt = 0 Plot velocities with x scaling factor of vplot = 1 Plot velocity errors (difference between this soln and last solution) = 2 Plot basal and left edge velocities with x scaling factor of xplot vplot = scaling factor (0.5 of vplot is added to vx before plotting) tvplots = timestep interval to plot to screen read(1,*)ix,iy ix = x spacing for velocity plot (plot every ix'th vector) iy = y spacing for velocity plot (plot every iy'th vector) read(1,*)iwantprints = 1 for postscript output (currently not enabled) = 0 for screen read(1,*)xmin1,xmax1,zmin1,zmax1 xmin1, zmin1 = coordinates (in user units) of lower left corner of plot window xmax1, zmax1 = coordinates (in user units) of upper right corner of plot window read(1,*)w1,w2,w3,w4 Sets the location of the plot window on screen read(1,*)vdt,radius vdt = dt to use for translating velocity errors to distance for plot radius = radius (in user units) of dot at base of vector read(1,*)pcolors pcolors = number of colors in colormap definition (to follow) do i=1,pcolors read(1,*)fp1(i),fp2(i),pr(i),pg(i),pb(i) enddo fp1(i) = field value, lower bound fp2(i) = field value, upper bound pr(i) = Red values for colormap pg(i) = green values for colormap pb(i) = blue values for colormap read(1,*)cprecis,pcontours,whatf cprecis = parameter affecting the precision of the contours in plotting pcontours = number of contours to plot whatf = what to plot 1 = contour plot of nodal pressures (?) 2 = contour plot of sigxy 3 = contour plot of f1_sd 4 = contour plot of vx1 5 = f1_sr 8 = f1_pa 10 = slip lines ? read(1,*)contour_style contour_style = 0 means call Pcontour_4ntp( ... = 1 means call Pcontour_4ntpG... DIFFERENCE?? if(contour_style.eq.1)then read(1,*)ncontourv ncontourv = number of contour values read(1,*)(contourv(i),i=1,ncontourv) contourv(i) = value (in user units) corresponding to contour i endif read(1,*)nsegms nsegms = number of segments to plot (these, I think, are additional user-specified lines to plot, to check things like angles of slopes etc) do i=1,nsegms read(1,*)segang(i),seglength(i),segorx(i),segory(i) segang(i) = angle of segment (in degrees) seglength(i) = length of segment (in user units) segorx(i) = x coordinate of segment origin segory(i) = y coordinate of segment origin enddo
Example of SOPALE1_interactive_graphics_i
100 100 100 100 100 100 100 ! show_eg show_ec show_ev show_es show_esr show_et 10 10 10 !show_lg show_lc show_ls 0 0. ! vopt 0=show velocity 1=show error velocity vectors 1 1 ! ix,iy (spacing) 0 ! iwantprints 0=no postscript, 1=generate postscript 0. 40. -20. 20. ! xmin1,xmax1,zmin1,zmax1 (size of plot window) user units 0 0 800 800 ! w1,w2,w3,w4 (w1,w2) is upper left corner of window; w3=width,w4=height (pixels) 0.1 0.005 ! vdt=multiplier for vectors; radius=radius of disc at vector origin 2 ! pcolors= number of intervals used to color plot elemental fields <= 228 0 1.2 60000 0 0 !fp1(i),fp2(i),pr(i),pg(i),pb(i); left bound for interval, right bound, rgb values (0-65536) 1.3 2.3 0 60000 0 .1 50 3 ! cprecis (use between .1 and .5), pcontours=number of contour intervals (when contour_style=0), whatf 1=pressure 2=tau_xy 3=deviatoric stress(2nd inv) -1 ! contour_style 0=autoscale 1=given values (-1=no contours) ! ncontourv (only if contour_style=1) number of contour values ! contourv(i),i=1,ncontourv - contour values