Other Mozart Inputs
Input which is not related to mesh/node/grids is collected under the "stupid inputs" categories (Philippe's terminology). These inputs include parameters related to linear systems, physical properties of materials, boundary conditions, and so on.
The input files for this category have the prefix "allstupids." in the file name. The middle part of the filename indicates what the input is for:
"aleg" for ALE/regridding"Xlsys" for linear systems solutions
"Xbcs" for boundary conditions
"Xers" for errors
"Xins" for initializations
"Xmedia" for "media" (physical properties, e.g. rheology)
where X can be t (thermal) for advection-diffusion production problems, v for velocity problems, or m for mesh.
Name of file |
Input related to... |
allstupids.aleg.i |
ALE/regridding |
allstupids.ters.i |
thermal errors |
allstupids.tmedia.i |
definition of physical materials for thermal system |
allstupids.vins.i |
velocity initializations |
allstupids.mlsys.i |
mesh linear systems solution |
allstupids.tins.i |
thermal initializations |
allstupids.vbcs.i |
velocity boundary conditions |
allstupids.vlsys.i |
velocity linear systems |
allstupids.tbcs.i |
thermal boundary conditions |
allstupids.tlsys.i |
thermal linear systems solution |
allstupids.vers.i |
velocity errors |
allstupids.vmedia.i |
definition of physical materials for velocity system |
The file Syimpt.01.i defines which of the above inputs will be read by Mozart. The Syimpt.01.i file is read when the "ALL" button in the "IOS" menu is pushed.
[.... Format for Syimpt.01.i here ...]
itype in Syimpt.01.i |
Meaning |
1 |
initialization of ADP equations (temperature initialization) - initializes fields on grids, etc. [input file allstupids.tins.i] |
2 |
initialization of VF equations (viscous flow, velocity) [input file allstupids.vins.i] |
3 |
import thermal media (physics/dynamics of materials for thermal) [input file allstupids.tmedia.i] |
4 |
import VF media (materials, material properties, rheologies, etc.) [input file allstupids.vmedia.i] |
5 |
linear systems for temperature [input file allstupids.tlsys.i] |
6 |
linear systems for velocities [input file allstupids.vlsys.i] |
7 |
linear systems for meshes [input file allstupids.mlsys.i] |
8 |
boundary conditions for thermal problems [input file allstupids.tbcs.i] |
9 |
boundar conditions for velocity problems [input file allstupids.vbcs.i] |
10 |
errors for thermal problems [input file allstupids.ters.i] |
11 |
errors for velocity problems [input file allstupids.vers.i] |
12 |
importing ALE graphs (defines which part of Eulerian grid is related to which part of Lagrangian grid or cloud) [input file allstupids.aleg.i] |
FILE : mlsys.i 1 ! template number 2 ! total number of parameters in this template 2 1 ! number of parameters in the following section; number of lines of documentation ndof = number of degrees of freedom; mlinks = maximum number of nonzeros in the columns of a matrix 2 18 ! ndof mlinks 0 0 ! number of parameters in the following section; number of lines of documentation FILE : tbcs.i 5 ! Template number [NOTE: template 5 is just a silly example] 88 ! Total number of parameters in this template 11 0 ! Number of parameters in the next section; number of lines of documentation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ! These are the 11 parameters for this section 11 1 ! Number of parameters in the next section; number of lines of documentation mozart ! one line of documentation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ! These are the 11 parameters for this section 11 2 ! Number of parameters in the next section; number of lines of documentation is ! Two lines nice ! of documentation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ! These are the 11 parameters for this section 11 3 ! Number of parameters in the next section; number of lines of documentation mozart ! Three is ! lines nice ! of documentation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ! These are the 11 parameters for this section 11 0 ! Number of parameters in the next section; number of lines of documentation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ! These are the 11 parameters for this section 11 0 ! Number of parameters in the next section; number of lines of documentation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ! These are the 11 parameters for this section 11 0 ! Number of parameters in the next section; number of lines of documentation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ! These are the 11 parameters for this section 11 0 ! Number of parameters in the next section; number of lines of documentation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ! These are the 11 parameters for this section 0 0 1 ! voulu Template number 88 ! Total number of parameters for this template 11 2 ! # of parameters in next section; # of lines of doc Lt1(y) p1<y<p2 t1=p3.y+p4+p5.exp(-|y-p7|/p6)+p8.degrecosinus((y-p10)/p9) p11 :1 ignore(=free) 0 use 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ! Parameters p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 11 2 ! # of parameters in next section; # of lines of doc Lf1(y) p1<y<p2 t1=p3.y+p4+p5.exp(-|y-p7|/p6)+p8.degrecosinus((y-p10)/p9) p11 :1 ignore(=free) 0 use 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ! Parameters p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 11 2 ! # of parameters in next section; # of lines of doc Rt1(y) p1<y<p2 t1=p3.y+p4+p5.exp(-|y-p7|/p6)+p8.degrecosinus((y-p10)/p9) p11 :1 ignore(=free) 0 use 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ! Parameters p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 11 2 ! # of parameters in next section; # of lines of doc Rf11(y) p1<y<p2 t1=p3.y+p4+p5.exp(-|y-p7|/p6)+p8.degrecosinus((y-p10)/p9) p11 :1 ignore(=free) 0 use 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ! Parameters p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 11 2 ! # of parameters in next section; # of lines of doc Tt1(x) p1<x<p2 t1=p3.x+p4+p5.exp(-|x-p7|/p6)+p8.degrecosinus((x-p10)/p9) p11 :1 ignore(=free) 0 use 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ! Parameters p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 11 2 ! # of parameters in next section; # of lines of doc Tf1(x) p1<x<p2 t1=p3.x+p4+p5.exp(-|x-p7|/p6)+p8.degrecosinus((x-p10)/p9) p11 :1 ignore(=free) 0 use 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ! Parameters p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 11 2 ! # of parameters in next section; # of lines of doc Bt1(x) p1<x<p2 t1=p3.x+p4+p5.exp(-|x-p7|/p6)+p8.degrecosinus((x-p10)/p9) p11 :1 ignore(=free) 0 use 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ! Parameters p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 11 2 ! # of parameters in next section; # of lines of doc Bf1(x) p1<x<p2 t1=p3.x+p4+p5.exp(-|x-p7|/p6)+p8.degrecosinus((x-p10)/p9) p11 :1 ignore(=free) 0 use 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ! Parameters p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 0 0 ! # of parameters in next section; # of lines of doc 0 ! termination template FILE : ters.i 1 ! Template number 2 ! Total number of parameters for this template 2 1 ! # of parameters in next section; # of lines of doc maxiter = maximum number of iterations, maxerr = maximum error on t or f 10 1.d-2 ! maxiter ,maximum error on t or f 0 0 ! # of parameters in next section; # of lines of doc FILE : tins.i 1 ! Template number 8 ! Total number of parameters for this template 4 1 ! # of parameters in next section; # of lines of doc Initial temperature t0(y)= a1+a2.y+a3.y.y+a4.y.y.y 0. 1. 0. 0. ! a1 a2 a3 a4 4 1 ! # of parameters in next section; # of lines of doc f0(y)= a1+a2.exp(-(y-a3)/a4) 1 1 1 1 ! a1 a2 a3 a4 0 0 ! # of parameters in next section; # of lines of doc FILE : vins.i 1 ! Template number 21 ! Total number of parameters for this template 1 1 ! # of parameters in next section; # of lines of doc Initial dummy uniform viscosity 1.d0 7 2 ! # of parameters in next section; # of lines of doc cell material numbers pass 1 grid-aligned layers (1d boxes aligned with x) <#layers> foreach < iy1 iy2 boxvalue> last hit wins 2 1 15 1 15 51 2 ! 13 5 ! # of parameters in next section; # of lines of doc cell material numbers : rectangular boxes <#Rboxes> ,<type> foreach of them < IFTYPE=0 x1,y1,x2,y2,boxvalue rectangle > < IFTYPE=1 xc lx yc ly,boxvalue ellipsis > . first hit wins 2 0 1.5 .5 1.8 .8 3. 1 3. .8 .5 .3 4. 0 0 ! # of parameters in next section; # of lines of doc FILE : vmedia.i 2 ! <MEDIUM type=VF name=ZOZO> 2 9 3 2 ZOZO:VF:MODEL: ZOZO:VF:DATA :SUBMEDIUM 1 1 2 3 1 1 us flag 4 3 0 5 6 7 2 0 8 9 0 0 9 8 2 ZOZO:VF:MODEL: ZOZO:VF:DATA :SUBMEDIUM 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 us flag 1 0 0 1 ! <MEDIUM type=VF name=SIMPLE> 4 13 13 2 SIMPLE:VF:MODEL:submedium 1 fx fy vist sc0 edot0 n ts tc vmin vmax coh friction minp 0 0 2.d7 1.d-1 1.d0 4 0 0 1.d0 1.d8 1.d-2 30.d0 1.d-2 0 0 13 13 2 SIMPLE:VF:MODEL:submedium 2 fx fy vist sc0 edot0 n ts tc vmin vmax coh friction minp 0 0 2.d7 1.d0 1.d0 4 0 0 1.d0 1.d8 1.d-2 30.d0 1.d-2 0 0 13 13 2 SIMPLE:VF:MODEL:submedium 3 fx fy vist sc0 edot0 n ts tc vmin vmax coh friction minp 0 0 2.d7 1.d0 1.d0 4 0 0 1.d0 1.d8 1.d-2 30.d0 1.d-2 0 0 13 13 2 SIMPLE:VF:MODEL:submedium 4 fx fy vist sc0 edot0 n ts tc vmin vmax coh friction minp 0 5 2.d7 1.d-2 1.d0 4 0 0 1.d0 1.d8 1.d-2 30.d0 1.d-2 0 0 10 ! <MEDIUM type=VF name=BOEUF-BOURGUIGNON> 2 ! --> #submedia in medium boeuf-bourguignon 116 ! #parms in submedium -------> boeuf-bourguignon-1 1 1 bulk viscosity 2.d7 1 2 UCRUST:VF-NLCREEP:MODEL: NLCREEP-1 : stress scale 1.84374d-6 8 1 NLCREEP-2 : strain control on stress scale 1. -1. 1.d10 2 -1. 1. 1.d10 1. 8 1 NLCREEP-3 : pressure control on stress scale 1. -1. 1.d10 2 -1. 1. 1.d10 1. 8 3 NLCREEP-4 : temperature control on stress scale this is additional to the exponential boltzmann factor which will be seen later 1. -1. 1.d10 2 -1. 1. 1.d10 1. 2 2 NLCREEP-5 : strain rate control on stress scale edot and power in power law 1. 4. 1 1 NLCREEP-6 : shift to absolute temperatures: Ts 0 1 2 NLCREEP-7 : boltzmann energy (in shifted temperature units) T part : E=(Ts+Tc) .989872 2 3 NLCREEP-8 : boltzmann energy (in shifted temperature units) P part expressed as E*a*(p/pc). so Etotal=E(1+a.(p/pc)) . enter a (e.g) 0 or 1 and pc (pressure scale) 0. 1. 1 1 DRUCKER-PRAGER-1 : friction angle scale 1. 8 1 DRUCKER-PRAGER-2 : strain control on friction 1. -1. 1.d10 2 -1. 30. 1.d10 30. 8 1 DRUCKER-PRAGER-3 : pressure control on friction 1. -1. 1.d10 2 -1. 1. 1.d10 1. 8 1 DRUCKER-PRAGER-4 : temperature control on friction 1. -1. 1.d10 2 -1. 1. 1.d10 1. 1 1 DRUCKER-PRAGER-5 : cohesion scale 1.d-2 8 1 DRUCKER-PRAGER-6 : strain control on cohesion 1. -1. 1.d10 2 -1. 1. 1.d10 1. 8 1 DRUCKER-PRAGER-7 : pressure control on cohesion 1. -1. 1.d10 2 -1. 1. 1.d10 1. 8 1 DRUCKER-PRAGER-8 : temperature control on cohesion 1. -1. 1.d10 2 -1. 1. 1.d10 1. 1 2 BODY-FORCES-1 #force ndofs (or axis) 1 6 3 BODY-FORCES-2 on axis naxis volumic source and taylor t p expansion naxis r0 t0 p0 drdt drdp 2 -1 0 0 0 0 9 1 BODY-FORCES-3 : strain control on bodyforces 2 1. -1. 1.d10 2 -1. 1. 1.d10 1. 9 1 BODY-FORCES-4 : pressure control on bodyforces 2 1. -1. 1.d10 2 -1. 1. 1.d10 1. 9 1 BODY-FORCES-5 : temperature control on on bodyforces 2 1. -1. 1.d10 2 -1. 1. 1.d10 1. 0 0 116 ! #parms in submedium -------> boeuf-bourguignon-2 1 1 bulk viscosity 2.d7 1 2 UCRUST:VF-NLCREEP:MODEL: NLCREEP-1 : stress scale 1.84374d-6 8 1 NLCREEP-2 : strain control on stress scale 1. -1. 1.d10 2 -1. 1. 1.d10 1. 8 1 NLCREEP-3 : pressure control on stress scale 1. -1. 1.d10 2 -1. 1. 1.d10 1. 8 3 NLCREEP-4 : temperature control on stress scale this is additional to the exponential boltzmann factor which will be seen later 1. -1. 1.d10 2 -1. 1. 1.d10 1. 2 2 NLCREEP-5 : strain rate control on stress scale edot and power in power law 1. 4. 1 1 NLCREEP-6 : shift to absolute temperatures: Ts 0 1 2 NLCREEP-7 : boltzmann energy (in shifted temperature units) T part : E=(Ts+Tc) .989872 2 3 NLCREEP-8 : boltzmann energy (in shifted temperature units) P part expressed as E*a*(p/pc). so Etotal=E(1+a.(p/pc)) . enter a (e.g) 0 or 1 and pc (pressure scale) 0. 1. 1 1 DRUCKER-PRAGER-1 : friction angle scale 1. 8 1 DRUCKER-PRAGER-2 : strain control on friction 1. -1. 1.d10 2 -1. 30. 1.d10 30. 8 1 DRUCKER-PRAGER-3 : pressure control on friction 1. -1. 1.d10 2 -1. 1. 1.d10 1. 8 1 DRUCKER-PRAGER-4 : temperature control on friction 1. -1. 1.d10 2 -1. 1. 1.d10 1. 1 1 DRUCKER-PRAGER-5 : cohesion scale 1.d-2 8 1 DRUCKER-PRAGER-6 : strain control on cohesion 1. -1. 1.d10 2 -1. 1. 1.d10 1. 8 1 DRUCKER-PRAGER-7 : pressure control on cohesion 1. -1. 1.d10 2 -1. 1. 1.d10 1. 8 1 DRUCKER-PRAGER-8 : temperature control on cohesion 1. -1. 1.d10 2 -1. 1. 1.d10 1. 1 2 BODY-FORCES-1 #force ndofs (or axis) 1 6 3 BODY-FORCES-2 on axis naxis volumic source and taylor t p expansion naxis r0 t0 p0 drdt drdp 2 -1 0 0 0 0 9 1 BODY-FORCES-3 : strain control on bodyforces 2 1. -1. 1.d10 2 -1. 1. 1.d10 1. 9 1 BODY-FORCES-4 : pressure control on bodyforces 2 1. -1. 1.d10 2 -1. 1. 1.d10 1. 9 1 BODY-FORCES-5 : temperature control on on bodyforces 2 1. -1. 1.d10 2 -1. 1. 1.d10 1. 0 0 5 ! <MEDIUM type=VF name=RIRI> 2 9 8 2 ZOZO:T-ADP:MODEL: ZOZO:T-ADP:DATA :SUBMEDIUM 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 us flag 1 0 0 9 8 2 ZOZO:T-ADP:MODEL: ZOZO:T-ADP:DATA :SUBMEDIUM 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 us flag 1 0 0