R.A. Jamieson, C. Beaumont, and the Geodynamics Group
Departments of Earth Sciences and Oceanography, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, B3H 3J5, beckyj@is.dal.ca
Presented on July 5, 2000 at the 15th
Australian Geological Convention
in the "Metamorphic Processes" section of the R.H. Vernon Symposium
(Section 3D2) (Sydney, Australia)
Flow Chart of Large Hot Orogen Models
Part 1
Flow Chart of Large Hot Orogen
Models Part 2
For more than thirty years Ron Vernon has influenced the ways in which metamorphic geologists look at interactions between metamorphism and deformation. We now understand quite a lot about how factors such as rheological and compositional heterogeneities, fluid flow pathways, and strain gradients influence where, when, and how metamorphic mineral assemblages and structures form and evolve on the microscopic and outcrop scales. It is a logical extension of Ron's work to investigate the ways in which metamorphism and deformation influence each other on much larger scales. The controls on these crustal-scale interactions are not easy to document by direct observation or laboratory experiment; our approach involves numerical experiments based on coupled thermal-mechanical computer models of convergent orogens. The results presented here focus on interactions between metamorphism and crustal deformation that is driven by cryptic subduction of sub-orogenic lithosphere.
On the orogenic scale, crustal deformation affects the distribution of metamorphic rocks in a number of different ways, of which deformation of pre-existing isograds is probably the most obvious. More fundamentally, deformation and redistribution of tectonically accreted radioactive material ("tarm") and the rapid displacement of hot or cold rock within an orogen control the thermal structure of the crust, and therefore the metamorphic process itself. In turn, the evolving thermal structure of an orogen affects tectonic style by changing the rheological properties of the crust, and metamorphic reactions that change material properties or produce fluid or melt will also affect the style of deformation at least locally.
The thermal structure of a model orogen reflects the competition among rates of heat production, advection, and diffusion. This can be expressed in terms of three dimensionless ratios - the thermal Peclet ratio (Pe = advection/diffusion), and two Damköhler ratios (DIII = heat production/advection; DIV = heat production/diffusion; Pe = DIV / DIII). At high convergence rates, where Pe >> 1, rapid transport of cool material into or beneath a model orogen limits the effectiveness of diffusive heat transport. If convergence rate decreases during orogenic evolution, so that diffusion out-competes advection (Pe < 1), the orogen will heat up. Heat production, or the rate of self-heating resulting from radioactive decay, increases with time as a function of the concentration of heat-producing elements and the overall volume of "tarm". Burial of "tarm" within or beneath a model orogen can partly offset the cooling effects of subduction, erosion of heat-producing upper crust, and heat loss from the surface (both DIII and DIV > 1).
In our coupled thermal-mechanical models, deformation of the upper crustal heat-producing layer produces geometrically complex distributions of "tarm" that strongly influence the distribution of crustal isotherms. As the models evolve, large lateral and vertical thermal gradients develop, leading to significant lateral variations in P-T conditions and crustal strength. For some model conditions, temperatures at mid-crustal depths exceed 800° C, and lower crustal isotherms are inverted because cool material continues to flow into and beneath the model orogen. However, model crustal thermal gradients are not linked in a simple way to peak grade profiles at the model surface, which are also controlled by the rate and mechanism of exhumation. Crustal geothermal gradients at the time and place of metamorphism should not be expected to correspond to metamorphic field gradients observed by geologists at the surface millions or billions of years later.
The models calculate P-T-t paths for selected points that are tracked throughout the evolution of the model. If we assume that the maximum temperature (Tmax) experienced by a rock will be recorded in its mineral assemblage, "peak grade profiles" across the model surface at selected times provide a convenient way to compare model results with observations from real metamorphic belts. Results will be presented from models with different initial values of Pe, DIII, and DIV, and therefore different model metamorphic histories, and these results will be compared with first-order observations from natural examples.
GeoCanada2000 Conference SHOWN MODEL RESULTS:
Reference Model LHO-21
(t = 0) Reference Model LHO-21
Model LHO-20
Model LHO-30
Model LHO-47A
Model LHO-47A
Model LHO-32
Model LHO-41
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15th Australian Geological Convention SHOWN MODEL RESULTS Reference Model LHO-71
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REFERENCE MODEL LHO-71 (Fig. 1) | Initial Conditions for Large Hot Orogen Models (t = 0 My) |
REFERENCE MODEL LHO-71 (Fig. 2) | t = 45 My |
MODEL LHO-74 (Fig. 1) | Vary Velocity (Vp = 3-0 cm/y); t = 15 My |
MODEL LHO-74 (Fig. 2) | Vary Velocity (Vp = 3-0 cm/y); t = 20 My |
MODEL LHO-74 (Fig. 3) | Post Convergence Extension/Contraction Gravity-Driven Flow; t = 15 My+, t = 20 My, t = 30 My |
MODEL LHO-75 | Vary thermal properties (A); t = 45 My |
MODEL LHO-78 | Vary thermal properties (A, qs); t = 45 My |
MODEL LHO-66 (Fig. 1) | Vary rheological properties ("melt"; lower crust is Dry Mld Diabase/10); t = 45 My |
MODEL LHO-66 (Fig.2) | Diachronous Mid-Crust Extrusion/Channel Counter Flow; t = 45 My, t = 60 My, t = 75 My |
MODEL LHO-77 | Vary rheological properties (as LHO-66); Vary velocity (Vp = 1-0
Post Convergence Extension/Contraction and Extrusion Flows; t = 45 My+, t = 60 My, t = 90 My |
MODEL HT-6 (Fig. 1) | Vary rheological properties (as LHO-66); Vary Erosion: Erosion Rate = Slope x f(t) x g(x); t = 45 My |
MODEL HT-6 (Fig. 2) | Interaction between Extrusion/Channel Flow and Surface Erosion;
t = 30 My, t = 45 My, t = 60 My, t = 75 My) |
MODEL HTR-6 (Fig. 3) | Mid-Crust Extrusion/Channel Flow, Low erosion rate behaviour; t = 30 My |
MODEL HTR-6 (Fig. 4) | Mid-Crust Extrusion/Channel Flow, High erosion rate behaviour; t = 45 My |
MODEL HTR-6 (Fig. 5) | Mid-Crust Extrusion/Channel Flow, Exhumation of channel to surface; t = 52.5 My |