- Medvedev S. E., 1993. Computer simulation of sedimentary cover
evolution, in: Computerized Basin Analysis: The Prognosis of
energy and Mineral Resources, eds Harff, J. & Merriam,
D.F., Plenum Press, NY, pp. 1-10.
- Medvedev S. E., 1998. Thin Sheet Approximations for Geodynamic
Applications. PhD Thesis, 118 pp. Uppsala. (Abstract)
- Medvedev S. E., and Y.Y. Podladchikov, 1999. New Extended
Thin Sheet Approximation for Geodynamic Applications - I. Model
formulation. Geophys. J. Int., 136, 567-585 (Summary)
- Medvedev S. E., and Y.Y. Podladchikov, 1999. New Extended
Thin Sheet Approximation for Geodynamic Applications - II. 2D
examples. Geophys. J. Int., 136, 586-608 (Summary)
- Talbot C.J., S. Medvedev, M.
Alavi, H. Shahrivar, and E. Heidari, 2000. Salt extrusion rates at
Kuh-e-Jahani, Iran: June 1994 to November 1997. In: Salt, Shale
and Igneous Diapirs in and around Europe. Edited by B. C. Vendeville,
Y. Mart and J. -L. Vigneresse, Geological Scociety Special Publication,
174, 93-110.
- Sokoutis D., M. Bonini, S. E.
Medvedev, M. Boccaletti, C. J. Talbot,
and H. Koyi, 2000, Indentaion of a continent with a built-in
thickness change: experiment and nature. Tectonophysics, 320,
243-270. (Summary) (full paper in PDF)
- Medvedev S., 2002.
Mechanics of viscous wedges: Modeling by analytical and numerical
approaches. J. Geophys. Res., 107(B6),
10.1029/2001JB000145, pp. ETG 9 (1-15). (Abstract) (full paper in PDF)
- Vanderhaeghe O., Medvedev
S., Beaumont C., Fullsack P., and Jamieson R. A., 2003, Evolution of
orogenic wedges and continental plateaux: insights from crustal thermal-mechanical
models overlying subducting mantle lithosphere. Geophys. J. Int., 153,
27-51. (full paper in PDF)
In preparation:
- Medvedev S. and C. Beaumont. Evolution
of continental plateaus driven by basal subduction: Insights from
thermo-mechanical modeling. (Outline-poster)
- Medvedev S. and C. Beaumont, Growth
of continental plateaux: channel injection or tectonic thickening? (Outline-poster)
- Medvedev S., and Y. Y.
Podladchikov (a). Point-source deformations in lithosphere: solutions by
thin viscous sheet approximation.
- Medvedev S., and Y. Y. Podladchikov (b). Extended Thin
Sheet Approximation for Geodynamic Applications - III. 3D examples.
- Medvedev S. What we can learn
from simplified models of evolution of plastic/brittle wedges?
Reports and other
unrefereed publications:
- Medvedev S. E., 1998. Thin Sheet Approximations for Geodynamic
Applications. Acta
Universitatis Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala
Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology 368, 11 pp. Uppsala. (Abstract)
- Vanderhaeghe O., Beaumont C.,
Fullsack P., Medvedev S., and Jamieson R. A.,
1998.Thermal-mechanical modelling of convergent orogens: the role of
rheology, isostasy and temperature. In: Wardle, R., and Hall, J., (eds.),
ECSOOT Transect Meeting, UBC, Lithoprobe Secretariat, Report No. 73,
Selected presentations at professional
- Medvedev, S and Y. Y. Podladchikov, 1996. New thin
sheet approximation for geodynamics: Synthetic experiments. EGS meeting,
The Hague. Annales
Geophysicae, 14, p. C108
- Medvedev, S. and Y. Y. Podladchikov, 1997. Modelling
of deformations of layered lithosphere using thin sheet approximation. Abstracts,
Europrobe GeoRift Workshop, Zurich, Switzerland, p.47
- Medvedev, S. and Y. Y. Podladchikov, 1997. New
Extended Thin Sheet Approximation (ETSA) for Geodynamic Applications. AGU
Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA. EOS Transactions, 78, p. F713
- Fullsack P., Medvedev S., and
Vanderhaeghe O., 1999. Mechanics of viscous wedges: modeling by analytical
and numerical approaches. AGU Spring Meeting, Boston, USA.
- Medvedev S., C.
Beaumont, O. Vanderhaeghe, P. Fullsack, and R. A. Jamieson, 2000. Evolution of Continental Plateaus:
Insights From Thermal-Mechanical Modeling. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA. EOS
Transactions, 81, p. F1094
- Medvedev S. and C. Beaumont, 2001, Growth of Continental Plateaux: Channel
Injection or Tectonic Thickening? AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA. EOS
- Gemmer L, Ings S, Medvedev S &
Beaumont C, 2002. Viscous Creep of Substratum and its Tectonic Effect on
Viscous and Brittle Overburden: Applications to Salt Basins and
Continental Plateaus. The Geological Society of America, Abstracts with
Programs, Vol. 34, No. 6, p. 250. 2002 GSA Annual Meeting, Denver.
- Stockmal G. S., Beaumont C., Nguyen M., Lee
B., and S. Medvedev, 2003. Numerical dynamic modelling of
thrust-and-fold belt mechanics: influence of layer geometries and material
properties on structural style, GSA Northeastern Section - 38th Annual
Meeting, Halifax, Canada.
- Medvedev S. and Yu. Podladchikov, 2003, Extended Thin
Sheet Approximation, new iterative approach. EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice,
France, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 5, EAE03-A-11128
- Beaumont, C., R.A. Jamieson, M.H. Nguyen,
and S. Medvedev, 2003, Crustal Exhumation and Doming Mechanisms in
Large Hot Orogens: Numerical Models and Comparison with Observations, Annual
Meeting of the Geological Association of Canada, Vancouver, Canada.
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