Department of Oceanography
Dalhousie University
1355 Oxford Street
PO Box 15000
Halifax, NS, B3H 4R2
SOPALE Sopale Nested Processing SOPALE Output Printing MOZART TMM (Thermo-mechanical Model) old SOPALE documentation Geodynamics home page |
Author: Chris Beaumont
subroutine eperturb_t_lvlslope perturbs the current E-temperature field according to a level_slope_level perturbation function. Inputs are:
For For For The perturbation is defined as follows. level is the value of the perturbation for the current column of the temperature field at x(i). level is a number, Assuming level < 1.0d0 E-grid positions for y-positions greater than that of isothermk_pert are proportionately squeezed in an accordion manner by factor level (y measured +ve upward). E-grid positions for y-positions less than that of isothermk_pert are modified according to adiabat_opt If If Not yet implemented. For the present
Perturbing the E-grid positions moves the corresponding E-temperature field. The perturbed E-temperature field is then linearly interpolated back onto the E-grid (current E-grid, as it was at the beginning of the subroutine).