Dalhousie Geodynamics Group

Department of Oceanography
Dalhousie University
1355 Oxford Street
PO Box 15000
Halifax, NS, B3H 4R2


Sopale Nested

Processing SOPALE Output



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Sopale Output File Contents

Sopale output file type 1

Sopale writes its Eulerian grid data to this file. The file is a 'direct' access file, and should be opened as such. The file name is "nameout1g01_pNN_f??_o"; where

  • NN is 00, for LS output
  • NN is 01, for SS output
  • ?? = frame number, anywhere from 00 to 99

A header/information file called "nameout1g01_pNN_T00_o" is also written. This file includes nx1 and ny1.

The Eulerian grid output file is a binary file containing the records described below. Each record contains nx1 X ny1 words, where

  • nx1 = number of nodes in x dimension for Eulerian grid
  • ny1 = number of nodes in y dimension for Eulerian grid
  • a word is 8 bytes
In most cases each word is a real (i.e. floating point) number. Exceptions are noted below.

Records are described as "nodal" or "elemental", where

  • "Nodal" means that there is a value for each node in the Eulerian grid (i.e. there will be nx1 x ny1 valid values in the record).
  • "Elemental" means there is a value for each element in the Eulerian grid (i.e. there will be (nx1-1) x (ny1-1) valid values in the record.

Variable Name
Description nodal
1 1 x1 x coordinates nodal
2 2 y1 y coordinates nodal
3 3 vx1 x component of velocity nodal
4 4 vy1 y component of velocity nodal
5 5 vy1r viscosity nodal
6 6 nodpres solid pressure nodal
7 7 ssy norm of deviatoric stress tensor
/plastic yield level
8 8 sy level of yield stress
i.e the plastic upper limit
for the norm of the deviatoric
stress tensor
9 9 t1 temperatures nodal
- 10 P1 excess pressure nodal
- 11 P0 excess pressure (previous) nodal
- 12 eporo1 porosity elemental
10 13

(before code-oct31-03)

(after code-oct31-03)

not used (before code-oct31-03)

elemental pressure
(after code-oct31-03)

- 14 epress1old elemental pressure (previous) elemental
- 15 phydro hydrostatic pressure elemental
- 16 phydroold hydrostatic pressure (previous) elemental
11 17 f1_sd Square root of 2nd invariant of deviatoric stress (J2D) nodal
12 18 f1_pa orientation of stress principal frame
= orientation of strain rate
13 19 f1_sr Square root of 2nd invariant of strain rate nodal
14 20 e_fx1 horizontal strain rate nodal
15 21 e_fy1 shear strain rate.
The name e_fy1 is misleading;
better would be e_fxy1.
16 22 color1 mechanical color elemental
17 23 color1t thermal material elemental
- 24 color1f fluid material elemental
18 25 strain1 2nd invariant of total strain
(total and deviatoric are the same
because code is incompressible)
19 26 word #1: time_total
and later]
Total time in seconds one word
word #2: time_step
and later]
time step number one word
words #3 -> #nx1+1:
and later]
elemental lithostatic pressures
at base of Eulerian grid
for previous timestep
The values in this record are only valid
when your model is using isostasy.
If you are not using isostasy,
the plithobold array is not updated
and the values for plithob in this record
will be zeroes.
for base of
the Eulerian grid;
(nx1-1) values
next word
reference value of plithob for pressure pump one word
next word
average of plithob, from the first time step. For pressure pump. Since version 2009-07-26_22.9 one word
20 27 viscos(*,1)
[code-dec17-03-exp and later]
Gauss point viscosities for Gauss point 1 elemental
21 28 viscos(*,2)
[code-dec17-03-exp and later]
Gauss point viscosities for Gauss point 2 elemental
22 29 viscos(*,3)
[code-dec17-03-exp and later]
Gauss point viscosities for Gauss point 3 elemental
23 30 viscos(*,4)
[code-dec17-03-exp and later]
Gauss point viscosities for Gauss point 4 elemental
24 31 dstrain1
[code-jun08-04 and later]
Eulerian strain rates (e2d) elemental

Sopale output file type 2

Sopale writes its Lagrangian grid data to this file. The file is a 'direct' access file, and should be opened as such. The file name is "nameout1g02_pNN_f??_o"; where

  • NN is 00, for LS output
  • NN is 01, for SS output
  • ?? = frame number, anywhere from 00 to 99

A header/information file called "nameout1g02_pNN_T00_o" is also written. This file includes nx2 and ny2.

The Lagrangian grid output file is a binary file containing the records described below. Each record contains nx2 x ny2 words, where

  • nx2 = number of nodes in x dimension for Lagrangian grid
  • ny2 = number of nodes in y dimension for Lagrangian grid
  • a word is 8 bytes
In most cases each word is a real (i.e. floating point) number. Exceptions are noted below.

Records are mostly "nodal", which means that there is a value for each node in the Lagrangian grid (i.e. there will be nx2 x ny2 valid values in the record).

Variable Name
Description nodal
1 1 x2 x coordinate nodal
2 2 y2 y coordinate nodal
3 3 vx2 x component of velocity nodal
4 4 vy2 y component of velocity nodal
5 5 color2 mechanical color nodal
6 6 cell21 number of Eulerian element
which contains this Lagrangian node
7 7 strain2 2nd invariant of total strain nodal
- 8 poro2 porosity nodal
8 9 color2t thermal material nodal
9 10 t2 temperature nodal
- 11 color2f fluid material nodal
10 and further,
as required
to store
and later]
12 and further,
as required
to store
and later]
[4 byte integer]
Total number of
injected Lagrangian particles
the first
2 words)
[4 byte integer]
Number of
injected Lagrangian particles
in this record
[4 byte integer]
Number of
fields stored per
Lagrangian particle
empty [4 bytes] This is empty,
but is needed
to fill out the word.
x2, y2, vx2, vy2, color2,
cell21, strain2, color2t, t2
each value is an 8-byte
(double-precision) real,
repeated as necessary
until this record is full
or until we have come to
the end of the injected
Lagrangian particles
values as described for
Records 1 to 9 above;
these values apply to
the next injected
Lagrangian particle
last record last record word #1: time_total
[code-dec20-02 and later]
Total time in seconds n/a
word #2: time_step
[code-dec20-02 and later]
time step number n/a

Sopale output file type 2a

In later versions of sopale_nested (version 2013-12-18_1.0 and later), the type 2 file is replaced by a type 2a file. The differences are:

  • type 2 is direct access, type 2a is sequential
  • type 2 files have one header file for each run; said another way, for many data files, there is only one header file.
  • type 2a files contain the header information; it is written in the first 3 records, prior to the data records.
  • type 2a file records 1,2,3 contain header information, the rest are data. One data record for each property of the lagrangian particles. Current properties are: x2, y2, vx2, vy2, t2, strain2, density2, color2, color2t, cell21.
  • type 2a files include lag density, which will be compaction density if compaction is on. Since: 2016-06-30 - Otherwise it will be thermal density.

This page was last modified on Thursday, 30-Jun-2016 14:14:58 ADT
Comments to geodynam at dal dot ca