Department of Oceanography
Dalhousie University
1355 Oxford Street
PO Box 15000
Halifax, NS, B3H 4R2
SOPALE Sopale Nested Processing SOPALE Output Printing MOZART TMM (Thermo-mechanical Model) old SOPALE documentation Geodynamics home page |
sopale_nested inputIntroductionThe parameters here define what is written to the matlab output
files. The files are written in the sub-directory
"nameout1matlab_p Some fields will only be written by the LS part of sopale_nested, and are flagged as such. If any Lagrangian output is requested, the file
" The matlab output files DO NOT INCLUDE data for INJECTED Lagrangian particles. Only data for the grid Lagrangian particles is written. For output that does include injected lagrangian particles, use type 2 output files. Section keywords: matlab-free-format[matlab-free-format] Indicates start of section. nout <value> icolor1 <value> And so on... For any variable listed in the fixed-format section. The default for those not present is 0. The order of lines is not important. end terminates the free format matlab input section. matlab[matlab] Indicates start of section. In this section the input is fixed format; every line described below is required. In addition, order is crucial. The (perceived) advantage of free-format (described above) is that one only needs to include lines for the fields in which one is interested. <ignored line>
<ignored line> icolor1
The mechanical material of each eulerian cell will be in the file. Same as record 16 of the type 1 output file. The format is binary integer*4. <ignored line> icolor2
The mechanical material of each lagrangian grid particle will be in the file. Same as record 5 of the type 2 output file. The format is binary real*4. <ignored line> iecord
The x and y coordinates of the eulerian grid will be in the files. Same as records 1 and 2 of the type 1 output file. Their formats are binary real*4. <ignored line> ilcord
The x and y coordinates of the lagrangian grid will be in the files. Same as records 1 and 2 of the type 2 output file. Their formats are binary real*4. <ignored line> istrain1
"strain1" for each eulerian node will be in the file. Same as record 18 of the type 1 output file. The format is binary real*4. <ignored line> istrain2
"strain2" for each lagrangian grid particle will be in the file. Same as record 7 of the type 2 output file. The format is binary real*4. <ignored line> istrainr
"f1_sr": strain rate 2nd invariant of the eulerian grid will be in the file. Same as record 13 of the type 1 output file. The format is binary real*4. <ignored line> itemper
"t0" which is, I believe, the eulerian grid temperatures of the previous time step, will be in the file. The format is binary real*4. <ignored line> ievel
"vx1" and "vy1", the velocities of the eulerian grid, will be in the files. Same as records 3 and 4 of the type 1 output file. The format is binary real*4. <ignored line> ilvel
"vx2" and "vy2", the velocities of the lagrangian grid, will be in the file. Same as records 3 and 4 of the type 2 output file. The format is binary real*4. <ignored line> isxx
"sigxx" will be in the file. This is calculated in compute_viscosities. The format is binary real*4. <ignored line> isyy
"sigyy" will be in the file. This is calculated in compute_viscosities. The format is binary real*4. <ignored line> isxy
"sigxy" will be in the file. This is calculated in compute_viscosities. The format is binary real*4. <ignored line> inodpres
"nodpress" will be in the file. Same as record 6 of the type 1 output file. The format is binary real*4. <ignored line> iefx1
"e_fx1" the horizontal strain rate for the eulerian grid, will be in the file. Same as record 14 of the type 1 output file. The format is binary real*4. <ignored line> iefy1
"e_fy1" the shear strain rate (not vertical strain rate, as one might conclude from the name) for the eulerian grid, will be in the file. Same as record 15 of the type 1 output file. The format is binary real*4. <ignored line> irpress
"rpress" = epress1(i) - plitho(i). The data is elemental. The format is binary real*4. <ignored line> ilag_dens
Since version 2009-07-26_19: <ignored line> iheat_flux
Since version 2009-07-26_22.7: "heatflux" is the heat flux passing through each Eulerian cell. The format is binary real*4. <ignored line> ipresdiff
Since version 2009-07-26_29.0: "presdiff" = nodpres(i) - plithon(i). The data is nodal. The format is binary real*4. "plithon" is plitho calculated for each Eulerian node. <ignored line> iplitho
Since version 2012-05-02_1.0: plitho is the lithostatic pressure, calculated for each cell. The data is elemental. The format is binary real*4. <ignored line> iplithon
Since version 2012-05-02_1.0: plithon is the lithostatic pressure, calculated for each node. The data is nodal. The format is binary real*4. <ignored line> ivy1r
Since version 2013-01-22_1.0: vy1r is viscosity, calculated for each node. The data is nodal. The format is binary real*4.