Dalhousie Geodynamics Group

Department of Oceanography
Dalhousie University
1355 Oxford Street
PO Box 15000
Halifax, NS, B3H 4R2


Sopale Nested

Processing SOPALE Output



TMM (Thermo-mechanical Model)

old SOPALE documentation

Geodynamics home page


sopale_plot is an IDL program which will plot the data in

  • sopale type 1 and type 2 output files
  • sopaleff type 1 and type 2 output files
  • matlab files

sopale_plot will create plots of

  • the eulerian and lagrangian grids,
  • disc plots of eulerian node and lagrangian particle properties,
  • contour plots of eulerian node and lagrangian particle properties,
  • filled cell plots of eulerian cell properties,
  • velocity plots of eulerian nodes and lagrangian particles.


The main input file "sopale_plot.xml" is heavily commented. The information in it is expected be sufficient for most users. If it is not, please say so. Get a copy as described below.


Input parameters are read from xml file(s). Output can be to X-Windows or a postscript file.

Running it - version 2.5


usage: sopale_plot <input-file> [ <run_name> <proc> ]
    <input-file> is an input file for sopale_plot
      If it exists, it will be used.  No other parameters required
      If it does not exist,
        <run_name> is the sopale_nested run name.  aka nameout1.
        <proc> is a 2-digit process number.  00 for LS,  01 for nest #1, etc.
        The name sopale_plot.<run_name><proc>.xml will be substituted.
        If that exists, it will be used.
        If that does not exist, it will be created.
for example:
  sopale_plot x WGR13_P4_001_ 00

Running it - earlier versions

On the scrXm family, the stable, and geodyncomp

  • make a plotting directory, and cd to it.
  • Get a copy of a sopale_plot.xml file. The first time you might do this:
    cp -ip ~dguptill/software/bmnt_library/idl/sopale_plot.xml .
  • edit sopale_plot.xml to suit your purposes
  • run sopale_plot:
    . ~dguptill/software/bin/idl_setup.sh   only on geodyncomp
    Since version 2.2.3, the input filename can have any name if supplied on the command line. For example:
    ~dguptill/software/bmnt_library/bin/sopale_plot sopale_plot.xml.LS-blowup

This page was last modified on Monday, 09-Sep-2013 18:57:53 ADT
Comments to geodynam at dal dot ca