Dalhousie Geodynamics Group

Department of Oceanography
Dalhousie University
1355 Oxford Street
PO Box 15000
Halifax, NS, B3H 4R2


Sopale Nested

Processing SOPALE Output



TMM (Thermo-mechanical Model)

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sopale_nested input


This describes parameters which define the nests of sopale_nested.

The presence, or absence, of these sections is not the sole determinant of whether sopale_nested creates any nests. At run time, the user tells MPI how many processes to use. That number should be one more than the number of nests defined here.

Section Keywords:


Indicates start of section.

What does it take to define a nest?

  • Prior to version 2013-05-29_1.0, there are two (2) lines for each nest.
  • From version 2013-05-29_1.0, there are three (3) lines for each nest.
  • From Feb 2014, there are five (5) lines for each nest.
    • Except that, in the case where there is only one nest, sopale_nested will forgive the absence of the last two lines, and accept a three (3) line definition.
  • From April 2015, each nest definition must be surrounded by a [nest] line, and an [end] line. These are in addition to the section start and end lines.
  • From April 2015, each nest definition may include an 'inject-on-restart' subsection.


Indicates the start of a nest.
Since: April 2015

x_left x_right y_top y_bottom

left boundary of the nest.
right boundary of the nest.
top boundary of the nest.
bottom boundary of the nest.

These relations should be true: (Where nx1, ny1 are the LS eulerian grid parameters.)

    2 <= x_left < x_right  <= nx1-1
    1 <= y_top  < y_bottom <= ny1

m n

grid magnification in the horizontal direction. The Eulerian grid in the nest will be denser (in the horizontal) than in the LS by this factor.
grid magnification in the vertical direction. The Eulerian grid in the nest will be denser (in the vertical) than in the LS by this factor.

The eulerian grid parameters of each nest will be calculated:

nx1 = (x_right - x_left) * m + 1
ny1 = (y_bottom - y_top) * n + 1

nest_vel_weight bigu_weight_2 bigu_weight_3

In LS, at the top of ALE, velocities on each nest boundary are calculated using the formula below. To duplicate previous results, use 1.0 .
    vx1(col,row)) =      nest_vel_weight  * nest_vx1(col,row) +
                    (1 - nest_vel_weight) * LS_vx1(col,row)
In LS, used when applying boundary conditions to a nest boundary. To duplicate previous results, use 0.0
   bigspring = bigu * diagamax * nest_bigu_weight_2
In any nest, used when applying boundary conditions. To duplicate previous results, use 1.0
    bigspring = bigu * diagamax * nest_bigu_weight_3

t(1) t(2) t(3) ...

t(1) t(2) t(3)
times (seconds) of the panning function

v(1) v(2) v(3) ...

v(1) v(2) v(3)
velocities (m/sec) of the panning function. Positive velocities move the nest to the right.

A nest can be panned (moved) to either the left of the right. This feature was introduced in version 2014-03-13_1.0. When running earlier versions of sopale_nested, the two lines for times, velocities should be omitted.

Movement is specified by a time vs velocity function. The function is a step function; it keeps its previous value until the current time exceeds one of the t(i) values, and then the value changes to v(i).

There should be a velocity value for time = 0.0

Since nests are defined by their position in the LS Eulerian grid, a nest will only actually be moved when

the sum of velocity * time

has exceeded the width of one Eulerian cell.

Optional Injection on Restart

If the following, optional, section is included, the nest will be injected with lagrangain particles when sopale_nested is restarting.


nix niy minptcls nmargin_x nmargin_y

nix niy minptcls nmargin_x nmargin_y
See the injection section for a description of these inputs.


Indicates the end of 'inject_on_restart'.
Since: April 2015


Indicates the end of nest.
Since: April 2015


Indicates the end of section.
Since: version 2012-05-02_1.0. In earlier versions, all lines after the first nest defintion, if present, will be ignored.

This page was last modified on Wednesday, 22-Apr-2015 11:28:31 ADT
Comments to geodynam at dal dot ca