Sopale Nested
Processing SOPALE Output
TMM (Thermo-mechanical Model)
old SOPALE documentation
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Overview of SOPALE Input/Output
Input File Format:
SOPALE uses a number of plain text files for input, intended to be read by a FORTRAN
program. Currently SOPALE does not recognize comment statements as separate lines in
the input files, so we put any comments at the end of a line of input.
Input files for SOPALE:
- SOPALE1_i - this is the main input file
- sopale1_plus_i - parameters for modifying the initial grid geometry
- surfaceproc_i - parameters for surface processes and other additional processes [poorly named file!]
- SOPALE1_interactive_graphics_i - file required for historical reasons but not currently used
- analyze_wedge_growth_i - file required for historical reasons but not currently used
- check_picard_i - file required for historical reasons but not currently used
- check_picard_show - file required for historical reasons but not currently used
- matlab_i (optional) - sets parameters for saving abbreviated output files (which were used for processing with Matlab)
- matrix file for mechanical model, e.g. umat201.115
NOT REQUIRED for code versions code-feb07-06-adiabat-wmatrix and later
- matrix file for thermal model, e.g. tmat201.115 (if you are running a coupled thermal-mechanical model)
NOT REQUIRED for code versions code-feb07-06-adiabat-wmatrix and later
Output Files for SOPALE:
- Regular SOPALE Binary output - SOPALE writes the model result data in a series of binary files named
- g01_p00_fNN_o (for Eulerian grid output)
- g02_p00_fNN_o (for Lagrangian grid output)
where NN is the "frame" number. The output from a timestep is considered a "frame"; the first set of output written is frame 1, the second output written is frame 2, and so on. Since the user may not request output at every timestep, the frame number is usually not the same the timestep number.
so.xout - Informational messages (e.g. timestep and number of iterations, viscosity range for each timestep,
number of injected particles per timestep) are written to standard output. By convention, SOPALE users
normally save the standard output in a text file called so.xout.
"matlab" files - These are binary files which are an abbreviated version of the regular SOPALE binary outputs.
They are useful when the user doesn't want a full set of output every time the output files are written.
SOPALE may also generate a number of extra output files which are used for debugging or other purposes.
Some of the files you may see (depending on the version of SOPALE) are:
- basforce_o
- rms_nuss_time
- analyze_wedge_growth_o
- analyze_wedge_growth_o2
- dissip_o
- flxrig_o
- elempre_o
- laglist_dump
- check_picard_o
- initial_lag_grid_o
- initial_eul_grid_o
- internal_dissip_o
This page was last modified on Wednesday, 15-Jun-2011 11:33:02 ADT
Comments to geodynam at dal dot ca